Longest break even stretch poker

What's been your worst downswing? - community.skypoker.com What's been your worst downswing or longest break even stretch? Having just dropped 30 buy-in's today and find myself on a 4000 game break even run this month (tDYM mainly) I feel like I need some therapy. For me in June I dropped 90 buy-ins which I think is my worst to date, all of which came in a 3 day run coincidentally and my longest b/e stretch is the one mentioned above. Poker Downswings | Dealing With Big Downswings

Why You Are Breaking Even At Poker | Red Chip Poker You’ve totaled up your last few months of poker sessions and you see that you are right back where you started, at $0 profit. Maybe you are up a little, maybe you are down a little…but you are a lot closer to $0 profit than you are to a respectable win rate. The Truth About Poker Luck - PokerVIP Even though all of the clones have the same 3bb/100 skill level this particular fella started with almost 700k hands long break even stretch. Though many of us would hesitate to call it "break-even" because of the 100 buy-ins lost in the first 400k hands of the aforementioned stretch. what is your longest break even streak for SNGs - Poker Jul 05, 2006 · I play the 16 turbos on stars and just realized i had a 19% ROI over my first ~300 and I have broken even over my last ~300. Very frustrating. Jump to content. RG Network; Home Washington Rail Rankings . Online Poker Rankings Poker Forums . Poker Community Poker Advice and Strategy Poker Sites Live Poker Poker Legislation All Poker Forums ... SNG breakeven stretch - Poker Advice - PocketFives

Top 5 poker Guinness World Records. ... Lew didn't just want to break the record for the most hands played; he also wanted to finish with a profit. ... Longest Marathon Playing Poker by an Individual.

1 millllllion VPPs & My biggest ever downswing - James Atkin's… Normally two months of breaking even would feel prettttty shitty. On this occasion though, I'll definitely take it. It actually feels like a pretty good achievement grinding out of such a hole. I definitely feel like I have learnt a lot from the experience. I think in the future I will be even more battle hardened against... SoSo Poker Poker's one long break even stretch this week, which is always annoying, I feel I'm playing well although my volume hasn't been great.I played a good long morning session for +900, had a break and went to the pub to meet up with some friends. I came back at 11 ish so I could continue my good... Winning Poker | Run It Once I am having a break even stretch at 50NL in my 6th month of playing poker full time. I am a winner in my first 5 months but I feel as if I can't win a single flip, and its just sooo frustrating. This stretch has forced me to question my game. What even makes a winning cash game player?

Dealing with break even stretches? - Online Poker Strategy School

Even though poker involves a certain amount of skill, ... A week-long break is usually perfect for helping you to snap out of a negative frame of mind and get your game back on track. Give it some time before you start playing again so that when you come back you can start afresh, the bad losing streak that you had will no longer be of any concern and you can carry playing the way you know how. Poker downswings evaluation. Poker is a game of ups and downs, and unfortunately, the downs always ... Yx32Mike's Poker Blog October was a pretty solid month, had the best results since I've started playing poker professionally in both volumes and profits. However, I was not very satisfied with my poker ethic. More than 70% of my volume and profits were from the first 11 days of the month, and I slacked off afterwards due to a long break even stretch//downswings instead of playing through it like a real pro. I really need to develop a strong work ethic so I can just grind through these rough patches a bit faster ... SoSo Poker I played a good long morning session for +900, had a break and went to the pub to meet up with some friends. I came back at 11 ish so I could continue my good work ethic, and promptly dropped 150 bets at 5/10. I suppose its the way of poker, its been difficult to get motivate the last two days but hopefully it will get easier as the week progresses. Doug Polk Reveals how Much Poker Players are Really Making - PokerTube

EDIT: It has come to my attention that I defined “break even” incorrectly. Instead of defining it to be 0 EV, it should actually be defined as our EV if we go to showdown. This is because we need to compare the two best lines (checking vs betting) and see which one is better (ignoring getting raised off hands and having to c/f to a bluff).

Easy Poker Bluff Math With Breakeven Percentages |… Bluffing in poker is fun, but you can make it profitable too with some simple math. Learn how to calculate the breakeven percentage of yourIn this video my goal is to show you some simple poker math for bluffing, so you can understand how often your opponent needs to fold given your bluff size. Downswings and Break-even Stretches It’s no secret that ALL poker players experience downswings. Actually, one could argue that downswings do not exit as such. In fact they are merely an observed pattern in a random variable. Take flipping a coin for example: if you flick it enough times and record the results you’ll see many patterns... Appropriate sample size to determine if you are good? — Red…

Take A Break: Fatigue Takes Over At WSOP Main Event Final Table

What's your longest win streak? — Red Chip Poker Forum Apr 2, 2018 ... My longest win streak is 6 sessions in a row. My goal is to .... Back in 2008 playing 50nl i had a 200k hand break even stretch. Anyone care to ...

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